Friday 6 May 2011

Archive for the ‘Welding’ Category


Have you made up your mind that you really need an auto darkening welding helmet? And now you are scratching your head wondering which is the best one for you to buy? Read the rest of this entry »


Welding supplies are an essential part of any welding business. Along with your welding machine you need to have the proper equipment to be able to be successful. Some of this equipment includes welding caps, and welding helmet, and good welding clothing. The difficult part is trying to find a place where you can get this and get reasonable price at the same time. Fortunately you don’t have to look further into more.
There are places on the Internet where you can purchase welding supplies and get a good deal for them. The nice thing about the Internet is that there is usually 100% satisfaction guarantee. There are great places like Miller welding supplies and Lincoln welding supplies where you can get your welding materials at a reasonable price. However you need to know what you’re looking for. Read the rest of this entry »


Welding machines for sale can be really difficult to find sometimes, however if you have the right resources you should be able to find one really easily. Whether you want to buy an industrial machine that is used or new, you need to know that what you are buying will be efficient and safe at the same time.
There are a lot of brands of welding machines to choose from. You might be looking for a Hobart welding equipment which will provide great quality. Also other companies make great welding equipment that can do the job that you need to get done. The best way to find the right kind of welding equipment that you’re looking for is to compare them on a website like Amazon or eBay.
I don’t recommend that you buy your welding equipment from Sears or classified ads because they will charge a way too much money and not give you the kind of price guarantee, and safety guarantee, that you need to ensure that you get. Read the rest of this entry »


As we know well, welding is an ancient art which is prevailing since the Bronze Age. It is the process used to join materials, usually metals or thermoplastics by melting the work pieces. The molten material is then allowed to cool and become a strong joint, with pressure sometimes used in conjunction with heat to produce the weld. Welding produces a secure, strong joint that cannot be compared with other methods. In today’s world, welding engineering has become an arising need in job market. Welding and Fabrication Engineering Technology is structured to support welding and joining operations. Here engineers pass plans and projects to mid-managements personnel who are supposed to carry out the planning, organization and delivery of manufacturing projects. Read the rest of this entry »


Do you often yourself with nothing to do on weekends? Have you ever wished there was something else you can do aside from sitting back on your front porch? There are several hobbies you can get into but if you are the type who is interested in do-it-yourself jobs that can help you earn money at the same time, you can try to learn how to weld. Sounds weird, isn’t it? But there is nothing weird about this at all. Welding Read the rest of this entry »

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